29 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi


The original name of the book is ''Les Riviers Pourpres''The story is developing around two main character'Niemans and Karim'They are police inspectors.There happens interesting murders.The murderer cuts victims' hands and takes their eyes.The reason of action is explained at the end of the book.Three victims are not innoncent.They are changing peasants'children with professors' childrenTherefore powerfull childrens are growing in an intellectual environment.And victims' dreams come true.They are planning everything for one action 'marvelous race'.But one day they change twins.And the children meet each other.The secret is revealed.And children make these murderer.They take victims eyes and hands to take their identity.Because each person has his/her own finger print and iris.These two determine who you are.The victims take childrens' identity and they take theirs.
I really enjoyed this book apart from its end.This book displays how human brain fuctions,I think.Each page of the book is full of action.I have read other books of Jean-christophe Grange like '' siyah kan ,leyleklerin uçuşu''All of his books suprise me ...I recommend you to read his books especially''Kızıl Nehirler''.


Last year there were eleven people in our class.Our dream was to come Metu altogether and to make a group with six people from previous year in Foreing Language Department.We had seen Metu in advance and we enjoyed it a lot.While we were talking we used to say ”next year we will be doing this…at Metu.”But now some of us are stuying at Boğaziçi,some of us are studying at Hacettepe…Only two of us are studying at metu,I and Deniz,but we are still enjoying METU.When we came Metu in 2007,we saw Convention Centre and around Shopping centre.I can say,we enjoyed Metu a lot,but this year when I first saw our department location it dissapointed me alittle…At first it was really diffucult to get used to Metu.It seeemed like big for me or I can say a bit complex,but when I began to enjoy this complex it was wonderfull,Metu is a small city with its beauty.Before I didn’t come Metu,I had some information about the universty.Its campus,level of education,opprotunities after graduation etc…All of these information has a possitive effetct on me.In fact Metu is different from other universties.For this reason studying in Metu we are a bit lucky.So,I chose Metu .And I am happy with my decision now

23 Kasım 2008 Pazar

Being universty student we can make our own decisions ourselves because we are thought as independent individuals by society.So attending classes should be optinonal.I think learning is something that a student responsible for.So student should decide whether he/she attend class or not.In this responsibility a student may not attend a class and he/she can fail at the concequence of exam for he/she doesn’t know the subject on account of her/his absence.So these failings,achievements,attendances …all of these are in responsibility of student.For this reason there shouldn’t be failings classes for a student ,for her/his absence

22 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi


Everything is subject to change.There is eternal change in universe and also in every creature including us.Even our face's condition isn't as same as its yesterday's condition.This change is more visible in ten years time,maybe.A rose is fading day by day.Our galaxy is going somewhere and it never goes the place it ever goes.These chsnges in universe take place by death and birth.Every day something dies in our environment no matther we notice it or not.Is the Sun same as yesterday's Sun?Or the day?Everyday one night dies,another day one night is born.We are not aware maybe but we are rapidly change too.One night there is a star in the sky but another night it isn't there.It dies...Every fall,one leaf dies, in spring another is born.Our lives are full of change.Even it is a change waiting its big change-death.I think every day is a rose given as a gift to us.I n this rapid change it will die and another rose will born.So we should use this rose carefully.Because there is no rebirth both for rose and us...

14 Kasım 2008 Cuma


Everybody especially in today's society has to face some challenges.I have biggest challenges in my life this year.New city,new people and universty life...And I am alone with these challenges.At first it was really hard to get accustomed to my new place-maybe life.Most probably I will encounter bigger challenges in my future life.And I already had .For example the first day at school,high school,to grow up and begin to take responsibity,OSS...Each of us has challenges.In every part of our lives there are some challenges even we think we are comfortable.I think we can't escape these.Already,isn't life a challenge itself?

13 Kasım 2008 Perşembe


I read a text on the internet.There were very interesting knowledges about animals.Some of them:Dolphins sleep with one eye open.Mosqutoes have 47 teeth.The Poison Arrow Frog has enough posion to kill 2.200 people.An elephant can be pregnant for up to 2 years.A goldfish has a memory span of 3 seconds.By some unknown means, an iguana can end its life.There are more insects in ten square feet of a rainforest than there are people in Manhattan.It is possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs.A rat can go without water longer than a camel can.Honebees have hairs on their eyes.If you lift a Kangaaroo's tail oof the ground it can't hop-they use their tails for balance.A flamingo can go eat only when its head is upside down.Bees have five eyes.There are 3 small eyes on the top of a bee's head and 2 larger ones in front.No two zebras have the same markings.There are an estimated five million bacteria on Earth.Ants don't sleep.Cats can't taste sweet.Giant tortoises of Galapagos Islands weigh up to 225 kilos and can live for over 150 years.

7 Kasım 2008 Cuma


How many things can you see in the sky?a lot!On a clear night tou might see the Moon and thousand of sparkling stars.You might see that some stars that look white are really red or blue.But scientist believe there are some things in sky that we will never see.We won't see them with the biggest telescope in the world,on the clearst night of the year.That is because they are invisible. the mysterious dead stars called black holes.Imagine if the earth were crushed until it was the size of a tiny marble.That is how tightly a dead star,black mhole ,is packed what pulls the star in toward its center with such power ? it is the same force that pulls you down when you jump -the force called gravity.A black hole is so tightly packed that its gravity sucks in everything-even light .The light from a black hole can never come back to your eyes.That is why you see nothing but blackness.So next time tou look at sky remember:there is more in the sky than that meets the eye!scattered in the silent darkness are black holes-the great mystery of space...


Crime and Punishment is one of my favorite books.With this book author appraises the concept of crime. Main character of book is Raskolnikov.He is a student in universty. He kills a woman who is a usurer.He takes her belongings.You can be in favour of woman when you judge these knowledges.But Raskolnikov throws her belongings to the river.And when he kills the woman he doesn't think that he is killing a human instead he thinks he kills an idea.After the incedent he is effected badly.I recommend you to read it.When you read it you you will think about again what crime is...

6 Kasım 2008 Perşembe


You think this is a typical autumn picture.But it is the picture of reality.And for me there is seperation.Every leaf is going somewhere,seperates from their place like me.The sun touch them when it set they become yellow and this time they understand it is time to go.And the road which they fall on is their new home.The road is stranger and merciless...

This is the photograph of my hometown.There is Afyon Castle.Maybe it is just a stone for you.But for me they are fellow citizen who are saying''hello''from the photograph.And these lights are dancing at my hometown's atmosphere...

1 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi


what is art? it is painting for some,music for some people,it is to write for some.on the other hand for some people art is limited in some fields.According to s them ,for example,photografing isn't art,singing isnt art .I disagree with these people.Because if there is a comment, there is also art ,I think.A photographer makes his own comment by catching a scene.A singer has his own way of singing. And each of us has some sense of art.Therefore, we make clear it in some ways.some of us draws pictures ,some of us write poems.And some of us can be professinal in some subjects,they are called artist by society...


what is art? it is painting for some,music for some people,it is to write for some.on the other hand for some people art is limited in some fields.According to s them ,for example,photografing isn't art,singing isnt art .I disagree with these people.Because if there is a comment, there is also art ,I think.A photographer makes his own comment by catching a scene.A singer has his own way of singing. And each of us has some sense of art.Therefore, we make clear it in some ways.some of us draws pictures ,some of us write poems.And some of us can be professinal in some subjects,they are called artist by society...


Being a universt student is one of the most different experiences in one's life,I think.It is a big challenge.New city,new people,new habits in a word new life style...At this period we learn -may be we realise-how to be independent individuals.And many times we make our choices and see the results on our own.this is freedom It is good sometimes,it is bad sometimes.In fact it is both difficult and great