3 Ocak 2009 Cumartesi

War.It sounds terrible.We have learned history classes that at the end of this war we gained this territory or we lost that territoy.Beyond this explaination it means something terrible.It means blood, death, loss without any reason.I believe therecan not be any reason for war and for killing innoncent people.In the year 2003 Amerrica declared war against Iraq.Many people lost their lives, homes.Many children lost their parents.Infact many people were tortured.This year-2008 Russia bombed Georgia.Many people had to leave their homes recently Israel have been bombing Palestine.I have seen child's deadly body in a newspaper.Children are dyig and nobody does anything or can do.So what is the reason?why are they killing children?


in the year 2008 there have been really important events in the world;election in America, war against Georgia, economic crisis and recently Palestina event...There were also important things and challenges in my life in the year 2008.For instance, the most important one was OSS, because it affected my life entirely.At the begining of 2008 I didn't know in which city I would live and in which universty I would study and towards the end of year big challenges of my life began.The year 2008 finished and 2009 began.New beginings ...Although I don't like beginings I hope 2009 will bring good things.